Friday, May 20, 2005

More photos!!

Here's the week's round up =p

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Donate blood! Free smiley bandage and Hirudoid cream!!! lolx never use the cream at all...

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Here's the mach 3, a better variant, shoots less far but uses straws and arrows... Mach 4 is already in production but no pics yet =p

And today....

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Back to JJRG!!! Still as wonderfully welcomed as before... hurts me to think about one day I might leave the restarant... nice place... Haha, see the lady in white trying to act cute? =x yea.... nice welcoming dinner.. wonder if because I come back to work den she specially prep for me? hah... wasted JJRG not doin "Chap Chai Peng" coz whole bunch of us there really talented in cooking our dishes... including me! =p =p =p =p

Lau not working, business seems to be more stable... Nice dinner... I think no1 else ate like this b4... They were discussing tat even if Lau not around the Staffs will still be well taken care of... with Gerlind ard that is... Ask me to dun del the pics so tat can proof to Lau...

Lau stepped in the moment we stopped talking about him! eat halfway ask me to carry things for him... zzz..

ST/ODE/IWS/QA was not going well... Yea, uncle Mus is right, I'm going to miss him when he leaves... sad... slept the whole day throughout... although I got heard Mary reading out my SMS to S*****_* heez... send so many time finally she can read it out... hahax.... so happy... but still slept through everything including "Tiao Zhan 9 Lian Huan" !!!!!!! my S$4200 gone le... :(

Anywayz... pay coming soon >< =D need to prioritise le... if not kena punish again... :(

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