Saturday, June 20, 2015

Just some random update

It's been a long time since I've updated this space. I guess somehow I've lost myself along the way? Last post was really a down time for me and it's kinda bittersweet. This time around its more of an update and also some rantings...

So from then till now I've changed jobs, started a few businesses, gotten used to public transport and gotten into a relationship. So much has changed since the last post no doubt it's more than a year. I felt that I've grown and changed so much in terms of character and attitude.

Jobs been a drag. I guess it's gonna be all the same every where. So since it's gonna be the same everywhere then might as well get a better job with better pay and probably less stress... I find myself enjoying more when I'm working for myself too with flower werks, fibrebroadbandsg and lynx ace. I can't wait for the time when I can go further time into it and operate it however I want it.

So I've met this girl too. It's hell lot of a roller-coaster ride. Emotionally, mentally... I really don't understand women. I thought I could but I really don't. I'm trying but it gets me mad all the time. I don't know how men can live with women for so long. Where's the respect and gentleness? I must sound like a jerk but I swear that I'm not... Or at least she thinks I am....

Whatever it is, just feel that I should put something out here. Just to clear my heavy chest. With so much going on in my life I guess I'm spending my life well. Just that the emphasis is not on Jesus... I've gotta say that I've changed. Quite a fair bit, very unwittingly but probably naturally. Somehow unwillingly I guess.

Oh well, guess it's true that when people grow they'll change. No doubt about that. I just hope whatever I want now is gonna be fulfilled in the near future and become more focused.