Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Let me off...

Not another day past without me thinking of you...

Mixed emotions in me right now...

I just hope that all is well with you, and just so we'd be clear, all my promises still stand.

Thinking back, I didn't start out with a level playing field, but then what's more to ask for anyway? I was given the chance but I wasn't able to make full use of it.

Perhaps it's the transition or just that I am who I am and you are who you are... Maybe it's just not meant to be...

It's really not like me to just give up like this, but I don't want to cause any more tension and strain... So this silence is just me stepping aside and cooling things off...

Till the time is right....

For those who know, let me off, i don't wanna talk about it any more. Please don't mention anything about this anymore...

For those who don't know, please let me off too... Keep it that way...

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Thank u

For e opportunity.

I know there may be a lot of obstacle to go through but I think I'm prepared to suffer for u.

I really wish that everyday would b 5th Mar 2013.

Flyer would mean something else to me all over again. E amphitheater should freeze in time.

I wished it were forever.

Imy, ilu...

Could this last?

I did the unthinkable again this morning... I hope this time round we'll last and work things out tgt.

God pls don't strike me and rmb my transgressions :( I'm just a human being with feelings. Denying my feelings is like denying myself and that I can't do.

Once bitten twice shy they say, but this is the third time, so shame on me if I don't learn.

Everything will b ok. I believe so, I know so. Just as long as there is u and me, we'll live thru it tgt, nobody will tear us down.

Jiayou jiayou!

Ilu, imy.