Sunday, January 07, 2007

today WAS a great day...

1st Sunday of 2007!

Service was rather refreshing & inviting... good message - time doesn't stand still for men, the old has past, the new is coming. Today is tommorrow's yesterday, so live today meaningfully & live not to regret the day...

Finally got a chance to cut my hair!!! Lol! it's finally long enough to be asked to cut =)
Resumed teaching guitar! I'm finding teaching the kids very very interesting all over again :)

Congrates to Aunt Christina & Uncle Roger for bringing my new cousin Charlotte-Faith to this world!!! Thank God for after 13yrs of trying, she came into this world today safe and sound thru caesarian birth! Promotion to Daddy & Mummy Tay! :)

Yesterday I finally watched I not Stupid 2, with my family, yea, it was really touching... think my family enjoyed it too :) Today spent time with them, went to Velocity, that place really is crap... other than famous brands & expensive stuff, it's not all related to sports... It's merely an extension of Novena Square =(

Recently been thinking, I've lived 20yrs of my life, most part of it was wasted away by purposeless living, but they weren't empty, they were filled with fun and mischiefs, bruises & heartbreaks...

Though at times I wished I had more money, that I were older/bigger but wishing for them and thinking about them were fun, all of it were fun....

Now I have most of what I wanted in the past, but I feel more emptiness. Just like what Dr. Lee S K said, human are filled with a vacuum, lack of security ever since they're banished from the Garden...

Not to show off, but I've got my 'O' levels, a Diploma, a decent job - quite high pay, driver's licence, cards that kids wudn't be able to aquire or apply for. My own room with my own furnitures and complete with my own entertainment system!

But still I'm lacking... still empty... what is it? It only surfaced after I enlisted into NS... in NS... help me solve this mystery!!! hehe...

Tuesday gonna be my 1st test, Air Operations... What the heck is that? 7 chapters of blablablaRSAFblablabla... If i fail, it'll be really bad... Even though it's 50qns of MCQs, each wrong answer will be a DEDUCTION of 150% of that qns =( how tough... wish me luck! I mean pray for me... yea, pray for Jiaying & Caleb too. Miss them...

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