Thursday, August 04, 2005


Haiz... supposed to blog yesterday... Caught up in an arguement with some church leader about Holy Spirit...

Really 2 different beliefs... same "religion"
1. Pentecostal and 2. non-Pentecostal...

1. Believes that there are 2 baptisms, water and Holy-Spirit.... They believe that tongues aren't gifts, that it's part of the "package". Abilities which comes when you recieve the Holy Spirit and that only through the Holy Spirit can you start to understand the Bible or even pray to God. Emphasis on Holy Spirit-ness and the powers it gives.

2. Believes in traditional pratices, keeping the Sabbath, abstain from certain foods or even rejecting the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Where the emphasis is on the "doings" or deeds rather than accepting God's free gifts.

I'm just angry that I've been accuse of beliving in the wrong doctrine by a staunch Pentacostal beliver, cause I'm sure he ain't sure of what I was driving at.

As Christians we should not argue or force people to believe in what they've heard, even God let us choose whether to accept Him or not. We shouldn't be too extreme, neither too Pentacostal or too non-Pentacostal...

Yes there are tongues, there are gifts from God, they are all meaningless unless it is put to good use. I wonder why a WHOLE church would be full of "tonguers"? Where would the "hands", "heads" or "legs" be? No evangilism? No sermons? No missions? All self-edifiying only?

You're old enough liao. We've been thru lots since sec 1 til now. Never feels good to know that someone you grow up with will be lost in such a way. Where there would be too deep of a misunderstanding to clear. Different ppl have different believes. I have no problem with what you believe in if it is based solely on God's words... Shall not even TRY to tell you anything anymore, go figure...

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