Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thank you Jesus

Thank God for yesterday.

Although I'm still sadden over the fact that grandpa has gone on, selfishly I was quite happy. When I arrived at the wake, mum asked me if I could offer incense to grandpa. Obviously I said I can't as a Christian.

Thank you brothers and sisters for praying for me and my family. I believe God letting me off this time round from persecution is not because I will prevail in His name, but there are more important things for me to accomplish.

When I walked grandma up to her home, I really struggled. I didn't know how to share Christ with her. In my heart it pains me as I try to get her to take some rest. Her frail body taking each step up the stairs and into the house felt like thistles pricking my heart with every beat.

The Holy Spirit must be telling me that I should share with her the gospel... Obviously I didn't, it was late, she needed to rest, she cannot understand English and my Mandarin is not strong enough to share the gospel. Oh me oh my... thousand and one excuses... all I can say is that i'm ashamed of myself...

Later on will be another day at the wake. Thank God for his awesome timing, coincidentally this is the only week that I do not have weekend classes... I wonder... It means that I could stay up late to support my family at the wake and have a good rest this morning til all the ceremonies will be over and I can head over in the evening again.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, please please please pray for my family. Kar Qian have been a babe to me, we've grown closer and I treasure this kinship. Pray for her salvation together with her family. Pray for my grandma and her salvation, no doubt she doesn't seem to suffer any illness but I really hope the time that she have left in this world will be an enjoyable and comfortable one.

Thank you and thank God once again.

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