Hehe, been a long time eh? Guess I've been too busy.
Let's start from the latest to the earlier programs =)
I've been busy on course this 2 weeks. Hmmm. Sad coz it's kinda far and gotta wake up early and it always ends late. Kinda consolated coz it's 2 weeks away from that treacherous workplace of mine. Been sitting behind rows of smelly and unhygenic CRT monitors typing and clicking away trying to learn how to transact items from place to place.... headache.
At least I've got the evenings to myself! Movies anyone? Dinner will do too =) I've actuali qualified into the finals!!! Woot!!! So cool!!! Imagine a rookie beating veterans! MT1 beating a MT9! Whaha. talent i tell you, talent! =p
http://www.medalist.com.sg/mdalbum/thumbnails.php?album=97Flashback to thursday, it was the BB/GB Officers' retreat. Been thinking alot about the new platoon. Had a few ideas on the coming recruitment too. I need God's strength to take up the new platoon. I don't know if I can do it or not... It's about that step of faith. That commitment and that assurance that God will see me thru this.. haiz....
Beforehand was a series of 2 weeks lectures on AWT. Ugh... boring like hell.. but we can't afford to fail... Our ranking will be held, performace will reset to ZERO. Blackmarked... Soooo unfair... Why other bases can fail 7, 8, 9 times? We can't even once?? Grr... The exams' on the 22nd. Do pray for strength, discipline and alertness to study. It ain't the same anymore =(
Earlier on, I've been busy with work, night shift's getting more and more fun. You wouldn't be able to imagine how beautiful the night skies are in base. Finally I got a chance to actually go to the actual ground to work on the A/C, instead of "holding the fort" and wait til the "warriors" come home.
Well, lots of this and thats in between. Check out my pic blog for more updates =)