Monday, September 28, 2009

Give Thanks

Thank God for my hands...

I've just realised how precious my hands were.
Without them, I couldn't work...
Unable to cook the wonder meals.
Not able to play my guitar, xbox or computer.

Imagine bathing without hands...
Changing my bed would be a huge problem...

I guess I'd be a bitter bitter person without them...

Perhaps God knew that I would be and He let me "abuse" them without taking them away!
It just occur to me that my hands had been thru so much...

Thank You Jesus for giving me my hands =)

What did God gave you today?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I wish....

That xx will xx xxxx xx xxxxxxx... Cox I xxxx xxx xx...
That this itch and rash will go away...
That you guys are here with me and I can bring you guys around to play...
That nights are long and days are short or nights pass slowly and day breeze past...
For my shipments to arrive on time or early...
That you will understand... Just understand...
Everything will go my way...
That God will find favor in me...
That I'm always with Jesus...
That I'll do the right things all the time...
That xxx xx x xxxxxx xxx
That Christmas comes early and last long...
That I can go home soon... <- that's a 1st...

Seriously I miss everyone back home. It's killing me inside when work ends and I cannot go out coz it's not safe to roam around...

Miss those Dim Sum suppers, impromptu dinners, gatherings and lots of karaoke sessions.

This year is the 1st year I'm gonna miss celebrating Christmas with church ever since I received Christ. It's also the tenth year too... Hopefully things just go my way for once....

Saturday, September 05, 2009

10 days...

Day 10 in San Diego...

Hmmm... everything seems to be settled down as if we've been living here for quite some time. I guess when there's work to do, alot of things and concerns will be pushed aside.

I've done all I can to make myself feel at home, but then still without YOU all it's not the same =(

The weirdest thing is my cell group ministry here has not started! =( bummer... Everyone's too busy with their own stuff and there is even very little communications... Some ppl don't even seem to be who they are here... Good and bad I guess.

Anyway, bought a new Full HD LCD TV for my Xbox! WAY too cool! Contemplating whether to get Wii and get my neighbors to play together. Maybe buy it on sale and bring it back to SG? Hehe.

Driving over here needs a little getting to use to. Not only everything's on the opposites, the rules are pretty funny... When there's a STOP sign, you REALLY gotta do a complete stop! Usually they are always at the cross junctions.

Guess what'll happen if 4 cars from 4 directions stopped altogether? Who dya' think will go 1st? No traffic lights!

Heading to Las Vegas tml! Weeee! Not gonna go to the casinos of coz, going to see the Nevada desert, Cirque du Solei, STOMP, Theme Parks, MGM Grand and of coz the Outlet Malls for MAD MAD Discounts!!! It's the LABOR Day weekend! WOOOT! Hahah.

Pray for safety as it's 330 miles journey and we'll be setting off early morning 6AM. Pray that there'll be enough rest for the drivers and good driving conditions =)

I'll post the pics when I get back =D