Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tsukihime, Lunar Legend

My gosh! I've finished watching Tsukihime, it's wonderful. I love the characters and the storyline, though it's a little short, just 12 chapters, it sums up alot of love, tragic, hatred and thrill in a manga by itself. The movie's actually a little varied from the original comic though. I wanna finish the comic! Though I've read all the available 3 books that's found in Singapore, I'm so waiting for book 4 to 12! hehez...

I LOVE Arcueid Brunestud!!! She's soooooo beautiful! lolz

Wanna find out more? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shingetsutan_Tsukihime

Monday, December 25, 2006


Though not as fruitful and happy compared to previous years, the presents made up for it.

Really thankful for alot of the gifts, I've only recieved 2 chocolates this year!
I really love the alarm clock from von! Love it love it! Thanks alot!
Liwen & Sher's are equally good, u gals don't owe me anything, really. I've very happy with what I got :)
I love Jiaying's magnet she made herself! Though I'm nt sure if tat's me inside, haha.
Thanks to Tricia for the pens.
Trina your note touched my heart! Thanks mei!
I'm especially grateful to the plt 17 boys. I love the art piece. Wonderful :)

Thanks every1 for the gifts, I felt really blessed to have u peeps as friends. Love u all!

Okiez, next week there'll be guitar lesson. Please bring along your guitar, tuner if u have and song book. Lirong pls pass me back my guitar. hahas.

Gonna start lesson proper in AFS le. wow... It's been awhile... I hope I can catch up with studying, don't know if my brain can still work... hmm...

Thank God for new blood in the Gliderz committee. New peeps, new ideas, work more distributed! Hehe. Wonderful :)

Alright, time to slp.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Life in the AFS is great!!!

I really shouldn't boast but it's hell lot better than Army :)
On the 1st day we reported, all of us were housed in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium, which is our home for the rest of the week!

We were introduced to our superiors, some "lucky" guys were given the post of Vocational I/Cs as well as the most previledged person, the overall Class I/C!

280++ People, 1/3 are Regulars, the others are NSFs... Lucky them! The peeps in SISPEC/OCS sure would love to curse and swear at them! None of us have to chiong sua, wear our SBOs or FBOs. Maybe only the ADSS peeps will have to, but very seldom.

Day 1 was just measuring our uniform sizes, that took a whole day! Oh yea, the highlight was lunch! It's western! Cheeseburger, wedges, beans, hotdog... It beats tekong food anytime!

Day 2 was suppose to be Sports & Games in the morning, but it rained non-stop for like a whole day? 20hrs? So run was cancelled - WOOHOO!!! They showed us "A Few Good Men" starring Tom Cruise & Demi Moore. Wonderful! Those who wish to sleep carried on, we just watch the show. Time to collect our stuffs, uniforms etc. Briefing of the structure of RSAF, some sales ppl came to market their products trying to earn our money... The cheek... NSFs earn only about $450... Don't count the regulars man, we're insured and covered!

After school went to cwp meet kang. Walked round, searching for a cool, multi-function, NON-CAMERA handphone. Technology nowadays... haiz... hahahs

I'm lovin' RSAF, for the time being... hehehe... :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

If only there's a better word...


I don't think it's good enough.
I didn't expect this to happen... I really don't know what's going through ur mind.
It's frightening me... I'm really afraid...
I've got plans but when I see you or just know that u're near, they're all spoilt.

I'm really afraid I'll lose u... A friend, a good friend, a friend I can share my secrets with. Someone who I enjoy, to chat, to be with, to be myself with. Someone who I really can be a great friend with... Somebody whom I really like, someone whom I can fall in love with...

If you ask me, it's really my fault for taking it as something more.
If i'll lose you as a friend, I'm really not gonna be able to forgive myself...
I didn't want it to be this way... It just so happen that u're such a great character and I just fell...

I don't wanna scare you. I know my place. If you're not comfortable, I'll be reserved...
If you don't wanna talk to me, I'll understand... Really... I don't wish to be a bother, I don't wish to be a nuisance.

Sorry wouldn't be the hardest word, but it's definitely not enough... Regret would be fitting but words said can't be taken back. I mean every word I said and I can't take them back. Just ask that you don't hate me to the core... For the time moment I think I shall not make my presence known to you... Just in case...

This feeling sucks and I wish I'll never go through it ever ever again.

This coming week shall be a new beginning for me... A new workplace, new environment. Will be starting my "Working Adult" status. I'm now very liable for monetary actions done by me now... How sad, so much responsibility to take on...

God has been good, I'm very contented with what I have. There's nothing I would want more. Perhaps only erm... hehe.

Like today's service, men always has needs, and never will be satisfied unless he/she knows that nothing in this world actually belongs to them. Be content, give thanks for everything you have coz everything indeed is meaningless.

Feeling good, preped up for the week. Positive mindset positive start. Wish me the best :)

Oh yea, find me a better word? Haiz....

Friday, December 15, 2006


Everyone's gone...
I'm starting to missing everyone...
Caleb, Jon, Thong...
What happened to Judah?
Everyone seems to be busy with their own stuff...
Guess this is what living in the world means... To be distracted by so many so many different things.
Even the P2 girls seems to be missing...
Enci, Angela... Seeing less of Hua tis days too...
Gotta prep myself that this coming 10yrs will be worse, every1 will have their own schedule, every1 will be busy...
Still waiting for that 1 day out in the SUN, SAND, SEA with a dash of Sakae Sushi...

It's really hard to be fillial... On 1 hand you gotta do the things you hate, the other you gotta tell urself you love your folks... Can see that they're really busy and really need EXPERIENCED help... haiz... life's tough without God... I wanna help... Jus... ugh!

Finally played soccer... I've lost my skills... (or d0 I have any to begin with?) Stamina wise I still have it in me... I love the game.
Hurt my back, got a scab because of a bad tackle. Now I know why BMT don't allow people to play contact sports, it's real true.

Tml's a busy day, won't get to drive. Bring LOTS of stuff...

I'm at my wits end... I don't know wad to say, don't know how to continue... You're like the matador, inviting but in the end it's empty air... I'm tired and clueless... I wanna take that final charge...

Christmas is coming, soon it'll be gone... :(

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Boring day...

Nth to do today...

Spent the night before wrapping some presents... Really too used to waking up at 0530hrs... Slpt at around 2am yet I woke up like 8:45am...

Hmm... FIFA all the way... Suppose to clear my room but looking at all the presents, I guess I'll just clear it after xmas, it's more tidy that way... Then again, I'll recieve alot of presents on that day and it'll be a mess again :(

This is the 2nd time this month I got snooked by my parents! Say wanna go out and eat, bath, changed, end up went to the factory... Waste 1 T-Shirt... :( My folks are really busy... I've nt been helping out ever since I'm in NS... Guess tml's a good time to excercise my "filial" duties...

I predict after work will be more shopping tml! =p

Even a short while, I do miss you... Don't really know how you feel though... And it makes me nervous...

"Perfect love is not receiving it's giving and forgiving. It's not red roses on valentine's day, its the rest of the 364 days of knowing you and love someone. It's not phone calls and stolen kisses, its the silent smiles in memory of ur sweetheart. It's not a grand wedding but spending a lifetime together. Perfect love is not fight-kiss-and-make up, its loving the one who annoys the hell out of u. Do u love someone perfectly ?"
DIG IN!!! Ice Cream free for all! lolz

Me and my "girlfriend" =p

Actually she's my cousin... Cute right?
Poor bear, stuck in the fridge... Must be feeling real cold... hahaaz

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


It's coming! My favourite holiday :)
It's a tribute to Jesus! My Saviour, God and Lord :)
It's a time for Love, caring and sharing.
Time for presents and more importantly SHOPPING!!!

How I love shopping :) For the past 5 days I've been shopping like I've not seen shops! Hehe... Though not really went purposely but rather go out for the company of friends :) Let's recap...

Went service, lol, Post Youth Camp committee nv buy cups, end up I left to get for them. Hehe. QS owe me a favor now :)
Erm, dunno Post Youth Camp is for wad de... Just see them recieve the Photos, eat lunch den got GB bazaar tat's all. Erm, free lunch!
Sent Ms Joyann home, went the wrong way! Ugh... Den return back that time go shortcut super fast! But end up got squeeze out to AMK by a stupid mercs...
After tat went to pick Cherx and Jocex go OCC to play billard, pool.
Went home, den go out wit family to CWP again! Lol, do some shopping FOR MYSELF! hahas.

Woke up, played some FIFA 07. Changed, went out to lunch with my bro at Changi Village. People go all the way from Wdl to Changi at least eat something special, either the Nasi Lemak or some other more famous food, end up he went to order a measely plate of chk rice!!! Ugh!
Sent me to SAF Ferry Terminal (SFT). Book in for FFI... Wad a waste of time! Like the test was only 10 mins, but waited til like 2:30pm den they inspect us...
Book out, it was pouring!!! As I was msging, rain water hit my keypad, end up the whole keypad went haywire and it spoiled! UGH... thank God that still can use write de... write til so fed up. hahaz. Took wrong bus home... End up went 1 round Pasir Ris and Tampines :(
Went home and rest. So crazyly tired...

Woke up BRITE n early, drove down to CMPB for my Senior Tech contract signing... Erm, dunno why the pay like cut down by $200... But haiz, it's ok ba I guess. Don't wanna waste time le. Wanted to meet Kang for lunch but his Med Checkup so long... Carpark gonna expire so went back 1st...
More FIFA 07.
Went town to meet Cherx, went shopping again! Hehe, went to Heeren, Centerpoint, Plaza Sing, Raffles City... Like visited Jocex, Mel (meow) & Diana. Went to eat Haagan Das... The sunrise nt bad, esp the NUTS and Apple pie. :P hehe. Hmmm. Bought quite alot of Xmas pressies le. :) Went home feeling dead beat.

Woke up late late...
Somemore FIFA 07!
Suppose to stay home and slack, end up accompany my fren to town on a "mission".
Went to Suntec, on the way at Citylink mall, saw the PUMA DIGITAL WATCH. It's damn nice, silver and blue, and it's PUMA!!! SOOO nice lar.
Went on to Suntec, to accomplish the mission... Walk to Heeren, get a pair of _____. Walk on to taka, saw so many fun fun stuff. On to wisma for dinner...
Now back here... sosososososo tired now... I think the next 2 days will be reserved for gift wrapping ba.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This 2 days...

Have been exciting...

The feeling of "the wait is over" is pretty great.

My 1st parade back in BB, doing something I really love. Serving as guitarist. I really missed serving. After that was shopping galore!!!

Went to Causeway point. Gary, Winson and Yi Tien accompanied me. Shopping for the items for our love ones as well as shopping for the items we love! lol.

Total damage about $100... Compared to previous years, it's considerably low. Somehow or rather managed to get great deals.

Today abit sianz, dunno issit not enuff slp or just no mood. There was post Youth Camp thingy... Wasn't involved... Felt really left out and din't felt like talking to anybody... Then sent Ms Joyann home. Went to play pool at OCC. Went CWP to walk walk again, nth much to buy....
So sianz...

Tml must book in for stupid FFI... Waste of time. Tuesday gonna finalise my contract with RSAF... Off til this Friday... I hope to make good use of the time. I wish to go SKI360 again. I've still yet to go sentosa to play... UGH... Now Jon and SQ down for NS, I'm on contract, everybody seems to be busy... So sianz... :(

Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy to be tired :)

It's been so long since I've stepped out to play! It's so tiring!!! But this tiredness beats any kind of tiredness. Hehe, I love my freedom now.

Life after POP seems to go pass very very fast. It's been like 2 days since I've Passed Out of BMT and I'm like 6 more days til my Senior Tech contract starts... Which reminds me I have 10yrs of RSAF duties ahead of me...

This 2 days of the "after life" had been really really fun... filled with alchohol too... lol

6th Dec
POP Loh! Took some photos, jump around, cheered. We're as happy as can be. Nobody can ruin the day for us! Haha. Off we went, taking the Penguin express for the final time :)

Caused my bro to be late... Den realised we're both going to town. So went home bathed change and we both went down to Clark Quay... hmm... Reached Mind Cafe to gather we the peeps. Hehe, really had fun again. Erm, next time we shld play new games, dun have to play the same ones. Heart Attack was really painful... Caramel Apple Latte Tea was still refreshing :)

Raffles hotel's Long bar was a nice place to slack... Peanuts flying, live band... Singapore Sling is actually Fruit Punch... Dotz... hahahas... But the combination of chewed Cherry and a mouthful of the drink in ur mouth is rather refreshing and tasty!

Flaged a maxi cab, went home and hit the sack...

7th Dec
Woke up at 11am... Rush to wash up and eat porridge... When to meet nick and jon.

Saw her... though things are moving on but I felt pretty awkward... I don't know is it me or her or just the fact it's both of us... It just breaks my heart to see us like this...

Went down to SKI360! Later joined by Wen Min, Martin, Eunice and Arthur. It all looks very easy! Lol. I didn't believed that I would hit the waters with my 1st attempt so I went ahead to use the easy wakeboard. Crashed! Whahahs... That was so much fun... A few attempts and I finally changed to the kneeboard.

It was really really simple. It was the speed and the turns that made it exciting. But actually it's all boring after u have the hang of things... So I moved on to the double ski! HEhe. THa'ts fun! Try skiing on 1 leg! Outstanding! For all my 3 rounds when I wish to do a ramp jump, the guy cut me off!!! Grr... nvm, next time I'll try again.

Still brooding over the earlier incident... Don't understand what happened...

Went to Halo Bar. 1st time we ordered pizza and finally not driving has paid off! 2 Buckets of Carlsberg! Not the best but still it's beer :) It didn't occured to me that it's a weekday. Lolz. So it did surprised me when peeps wanted to leave at 10:30pm. Ok, so a bus ride to Clementi and MRT back home. Was kinda fast I shld say, not as fast as driving but nt as slow as expected.

I'm starting to love SKI360... Anyone interested? Hehe.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thank God!!!

So many things to give thanks for!

Thank God for POP this wed.... Even though I'm sick, thank God for MC, rest and free Consultation + Medication @ TTSH.

Thank God for Youth camp! I'm deeply touched and motivated by the results but I know that it's not the results that counts. But I'm so happy!!! My cousin, teddy bear, meimei, my boy and a few others... No words can justify how I feel now. Elated? Excited? Happy! Just pure flowing happiness from God! Really, a load off my chest but not relief - HAPPY.

Things change, ppl change, I've changed... Everything ahead seems better. I hope.

God never changes and I'm very thankful for that. It's something I'll always hold on to, that my God will always be there, always holding me and will never forsake me even how weak, how low and how sinful I may be. (Not a reason to stay in sin though.)

Christmas is nearing! True meaning of Christmas? Jesus! Something better? Presents! lol. Always look forward to Christmas. Have yet to spend any of it in white but really wish it'll happen at certain parts of my life :)

I love Christmas :) Carolling, presents, food, pre-shopping! hehe. any1 wants to go shopping wit me? lolz

P.O.P loh!!!

3 more days to POP!!! So happy! So happy!

Thanks Bros/Sis for your prayers and encouragements. I've finished my 24km route march in rain, sun, mud and sand without falling out :) What an accomplishment for me :)

Now I can POP without any worries!

The 24km route march sure was terrible... Walked thru rocky & sandy grounds just to get to a training shed... It was very hot and we were sweating like it rained... Then it really rained... After the rain was a big, bright and beautiful rainbow which was so clear you can really count the 7 colors! Really!

It reminded me about God's promises, that He'll never go back on His words & neither should I doubt Him... "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you..." It kept going on in my mind... So strong and clear. I never gave up.

From around 3:30pm we walked all the way into the night til early morn 1am... owww... by the time we took out our boots all our feet were pruny and pale white... No blood, no feeling except pain... You can't even feel ur hand touching ur feet but only feel pain on the whole feet... The effect was even worst when u wake in the morning.. The 1st thing u feel when u land ur feet on the ground is !#&$#)@!%&)#! PAIN!!! Really really painful...

Fall ill, can't walk properly, can't march... 1/2 the coy same... OC gave us the day off but the School wanted us to join the Parade rehearsal... :( Suck thumb have to join in...

Hmm... will be helping out on 16th dec for last parade... dunno do wad... but I hope I'll have internet access to check my POSTING order... I hope I can make it to OCS to pursue my C3 dream, if not Senior Tech shall be fine for me... Tot abt it, considered, decided... It shall be :) God, I just wan to please You...

I wanna go sentosa... I wanna go overseas... I wanna go for a full body massage especially my feet! I need rest! X'mas is so near & I've got no time to get pressies... :( Gotta chill now... zzzz